In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Women are rarely given names in the Bible, but when they are
we should perk up our ears and listen. Today’s story is the story of Hannah.
What is so awesome about these stories of women in the Bible, at least to me,
is that whenever something incredible happens to one of these women, the first
thing they do is to pray about it.
Hannah is barren. She and her husband Elkanah cannot
conceive a child. And so Hannah prays to God, promising God that if she given
the gift of a child she will make him a servant of the Lord forever.
And so God blesses her with a child. What Hannah does next is she sings this
song of praise to God. It is a song of thanksgiving, but it is also a song
about what God does, a song about the kind of God that we have.
She says, there is no one like God, there is no Rock like
our God. He breaks the bows of the mighty; which means he takes away the power
of those who think they are in power. And then he makes the weak, strong. God
takes those who are fat and happy full and sends them away hungry. And God
takes the hungry and makes them fat with spoil. The Lord raises up the poor and
he humbles the rich.
We have the kind of God who flips the world on its head.
Hannah’s God and our God is the kind of God who casts the mighty down from
their thrones and uplifts the humble of heart. God is the kind of God that
turns the world around. Just when we think that the world is getting out of
control, God flips it and does something different with it.
We have the kind of God who sends makes the rich and makes
the poor, and loves them both enough to know that what the need is not to be
rich and not to be poor, but to be completely dependent upon God.
In one of my favorite verses of all of Scripture, Hannah
says, “The Lord kills and the Lord brings to life.” The Lord doesn’t just kill
everything. As Hannah sings: Lord kills everything that is contrary to the way
the world is supposed to be. Sorrow, suffering, shame, fear, loneliness, doubt,
hunger, thirst, and pain, each of these the Lord kills. And the Lord makes life
where there was only death before. God flips that which leads to death into
that which leads to life.
In what is the ultimate act of God, he sent his only Son,
Jesus Christ, to die on the cross and be raised for you sake. God flipped the world
on its head, sending is very own Son to die for our sake. God takes your fear,
your doubt, your loneliness, your sorrow, your suffering, your shame, your
hungry, your thirst, and your pain, and on the cross God put them all to rest.
And he raised up his Son on third day for you sake, so that you could have
life, and hope, and peace where there was only death before.
We have the kind of God who takes a cruel instrument of
torture and pain and turns it into the power of our salvation. We have the kind
of God who has flipped the world around, taken everything we know to lead to
death and turned it all into our life. And we have no one to look at but Christ
for this salvation.
And for Hannah, God took her barren womb and gave her the
gift of a child. And so when Hannah sings of life in the empty places, she
knows what she is talking about.
Giving life in the empty places is what God does. It is the
kind of God we have. When God took my empty faith as a young teenager and
called me to be a pastor, God was doing the same thing. When I continued to
tell God that he didn’t exist, God continued to place people in my life that
pointed me to him and called me into faith again.
This is one of the big threads throughout the fabric of
Scripture. God begins in Genesis, calling forth something out of nothing. God
continues in making the promise of a great nation to Sarah and Abraham. God
goes further in turning the young boy Joseph into the hero of the day. God
takes the Israelites and leads them out of slavery in Egypt into the Promised
Land. God will go on to take a young shepherd boy David and make him a great
king and an ancestor of Jesus the Messiah.
We have a God who makes something out of nothing. We have a
God who creates life were there is only death and destruction. He brings hope
to the hopeless, sight to the blind, release to the prisoners.
So put aside your fear, your loneliness, and your doubt; put
aside your suffering, your sorrow, and your shame; put aside your hunger, your
thirst, and your pain. God is turning the whole world upside down and is
filling you with the power of his salvation. God is flipping this old, dying
world around and bringing life were there was only death before.
With Hannah we give you our praise, O God.
In Jesus name. Amen.
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